Defining community readiness for the implementation of a system of care. A report to the Child, Adolescent and Family Services Branch of the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Also available at the TA Partnership website.
An analysis of readiness in system of care communities: A report to the Child, Adolescent and Family Services Branch of the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Also available at the TA Partnership website.
Rosas, S.R., Behar, L.B. & Hydaker, W.M. (2016).
Community readiness within systems of care: The validity and reliability of the System of Care Readiness and Implementation Measurement Scale (SOC-RIMS). Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research. Volume 43, Issue 1, 18-37.
Fort Bragg demonstration project-community mental health services for children and adolescents. The Child, Youth and Family Services Quarterly, 13(2), 3-13.
The Fort Bragg child and adolescent demonstration: Implementing and evaluating a continuum of care. In Algarin & R.M. Friedman (Eds.), A system of care for children's mental health: Building a research base. (4th Annual Research Conference Proceedings) Tampa, FL: Florida Mental Health Institute.
An academic-community liaison to increase professionals' understanding of service continua: The child and youth demonstration project. In P. Wohlford (Ed.), CASSP/NIMH conference proceedings on public-academic linkage. Washington, DC: CASSP Technical Assistance Center, Georgetown University.
Pires, S.A., Behar, L.B., Friedman, R.M., Lourie, I., Ferreiro, B., Langmeyer, D., May, A. & Lazear, K.J. (1996).
Lessons learned from the Fort Bragg demonstration. A system of care for children's mental health: Building a research base. (8th Annual Research Conference Proceedings) Tampa, FL: Florida Mental Health Institute.
Mikula, J., Macy, R., Behar, L.B., Paulson, R., Schmid, L. (2004).
Community-based response to trauma: A three-part study of a successful program. A system of care for children's mental health: Expanding the research base. (17th Annual Proceedings) Tampa, FL: The Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, University of South Florida.
Behar, L.B., Friedman, R., Pinto, A., Katz-Leavy, J, & Boyles, W. (2008).
Addressing abuse and mistreatment of youth placed in residential "treatment" facilities. In C Newman, C. Liberton, K. Kutash, and Freidman, R. (Eds.) A system of care for children's mental health: Expanding the research base. (20th Annual Proceedings) Tampa, FL: The Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, University of South Florida, 289-292.
Katz-Leavy, J, Behar, L., Friedman, R., & Pinto, A. (2008).
A pilot study of state regulations pertaining to residential treatment programs for youth. In C Newman, C. Liberton, K. Kutash, and Freidman, R. (Eds.) A system of care for children's mental health: Expanding the research base. (20th Annual Proceedings) Tampa, FL: The Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, University of South Florida, 293-295.
Defining community readiness for the implementation of a system of care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Volume 36, Issue 6, 381-392.
Behar, L.B.., & Hydaker, W.M. (2012).
An analysis of readiness in system of care communities: A report to the Child, Adolescent and Family Services Branch of the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Rosas, S.R., Behar, L.B. & Hydaker, W.M. (2014).
Community readiness within systems of care: The validity and reliability of the System of Care Readiness and Implementation Measurement Scale (SOC-RIMS). Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research. Mar 14 [Epub ahead of print] (DOI) 10.1007/s11414-014-9401-3.
Behar, L.B., Hydaker, W.M., & Rosas, S.R. (2015).
Using concept mapping to assist development of a community-based system of care. In preparation.
Rosas, S.R., Behar, L.B. & Hydaker, W.M. (2016).
Community readiness within systems of care: The validity and reliability of the System of Care Readiness and Implementation Measurement Scale (SOC-RIMS). Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research. Volume 43, Issue 1, 18-37.
Books and Chapters in Books
Behar, L.B., Stringfield, S. (1975).
Preschool Behavior Questionnaire. Learning Institute of North Carolina: Durham, NC
Behar, L.B. (1981).
Serving emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children through interstate placement: An unwritten policy. In J. White (Ed.), Major issues in juvenile justice. Columbus, OH: The Academy for Contemporary Problems.
Behar, L.B. (1981).
Special populations: Children's services. In W.H. Silverman (Ed.), Community mental health: A sourcebook for professionals and advisory board members. New York: Praeger.
Behar, L.B. (1988).
The North Carolina Willie M. program: One model for services to multiply handicapped children. In J. Stark; F. Menalascino; M. Albarelli; and V. Gray (Eds.), Mental health in people with mental retardation: diagnosis, treatment, and service programs. New York, NY
Behar, L.B. (1988).
An integrated system for services for severely disturbed children. In J. Looney (Ed.), Chronic mental illness in children and adolescents. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.
Behar, L.B. (1988).
The importance of research in formulating public policy. Research in public policy. Tampa, FL: Florida Mental Health Institute.
Behar, L.B. (1994).
A need for public-academic collaboration in the training of child mental health professionals. In P. Wohlford (Ed.), CASSP/NIMH conference proceedings on public-academic linkage. Washington, DC: CASSP Technical Assistance Center, Georgetown University.
Behar, L., Munger, R., Bainbridge, T. (1994).
An academic-community liaison to increase professionals' understanding of service continua: The child and youth demonstration project. In P. Wohlford (Ed.), CASSP/NIMH conference proceedings on public-academic linkage. Washington, DC: CASSP Technical Assistance Center, Georgetown University.
Behar, L.B. (1995).
State level policies in children's mental health. In L. Bickman D. Rog (Eds.), Vol. 1. Creating a children's mental health service system: Policy, research and evaluation. New York, NY: Sage Publications.
Behar, L.B. (1995).
Implementing and monitoring case management. In B. Friesen (Ed.), Building on family strengths: Case management for children with emotional, behavioral or mental disorders. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Behar, L.B. (1995).
The impact of evaluation on shaping public policy. In K.A. Maloy C. Nixon (Eds.), Vol. 3. Evaluating mental health services: How do programs for children "work" in the real world. New York, NY: Sage Publications.
Fort Bragg child and adolescent mental health demonstration project. In Michael Roberts (Ed.), Model programs in service delivery in child and family mental health. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Behar, L.B. (1996).
Trends in financing systems of care. In B. Stroul (Ed.). Children's mental health: Creating systems of care in a changing society. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Conducting randomized trials in children's mental health: Experiences and lessons from one venture. In C.T. Nixon D.A. Northrop (Eds.), Vol. 4 Evaluating mental health services: How do programs for children "work" in the real world. New York, NY: Sage Publications.
Zipper, I.N., Broughton, A., Behar, L. (2000)
Changing practices with children and families in North Carolina using technology to facilitate collaboration and training. In Jerry Finn Gary Holden (Eds,) Human services online: A new arena for service delivery. Binghamton, NY. The Haworth Press, Inc., pp. 49-67.
Behar, L.B. (2002)
Children's mental health services: The challenge of changing policy and practice. In William Reid Stuart Silver (Eds.) Handbook of mental health administration and management. New York, NY Brunner-Routledge, pp. 149-162.
Behar, L.B., Friedman, R., Hernandez, M., Moss, C., Dixon, D. (2005)
The use of flexible funds: finding ways to support good practice. Promising Practices Series. Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration, Child and Family Services Branch. (Publication date to be determined)
Congressional Testimony
Behar, L.B. (1986, October).
Individualized case planning as a remedy for serving multiple handicapped children. Testimony before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, U.S. Congress, Washington, DC
Behar, L.B. (1987, June).
Children in state custody. Testimony before the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Congress, Washington, DC
Behar, L.B. (1991, April).
Close to home: Community-based mental health services for children. Testimony before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, U.S. Congress, Washington, DC
Behar, L.B. (1994, March).
Inclusion of mental health and substance abuse services under health care reform. Testimony before the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S. Congress, Washington, DC